Posts tagged podiatrist
All About Ankle Injuries

Tripping, walking, or falling on an uneven surface can easily result in a sprain. While ankle injuries aren’t always unavoidable, there are some precautions you can take and plenty of ways to easily treat them if they show up. How can you tell the difference between injuries? When should you see a podiatrist? Keep reading to find out.

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Welcome Back! Foot Care Basics for School

August is National Back to School Month! We’re surprised how fast the summer has gone. We hope you were able to take one final summer vacation or plan one for Labor Day weekend. As students and parents prepare for a new routine, it’s time to check in on our favorite seasonal reminders. We want each student to start the year strong and bring their best shoes on the first day of school. Remember, it’s all about support and comfort.

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Treatment

If you have diabetes, you may have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a diabetic foot ulcer. An ulcer is a cut or a wound, found on the foot. If you are new to managing your diabetes, you may be aware of the dangers of this condition. An encouraging piece of news is that you can reduce your risk by managing your blood sugar levels. Watch these numbers carefully to avoid a level that is too high.

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