Keep Your Eyes on Your Feet


For the past few months, we’ve all been doing our best to flatten the curve. This includes following the directions of medical professionals and even rescheduling non-emergency appointments. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore symptoms or pain. This also doesn’t mean that you should no longer follow-up about chronic conditions like diabetes. The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine offers three things to consider about your foot and ankle health while slowly — and safely — returning to normalcy.

New changes

Have you noticed any changes to your feet or ankles? This could include new pain, swelling, or discolored toenails. From your head to your toes, we always recommend that you share changes with your doctor. A change can have a simple fix, such as a change in medication. A change may also be the sign of a fungal toenail or the beginning of a condition like diabetes.

Increasing pain

We always tell our patients that pain is not normal. If you’ve been pushing your pain to the side or hoping it will go away on its own, contact us today. We not only want to treat the pain but also figure out the cause. We understand that there have been many changes and concerns these past few months. Contact us with any questions.

Regular check-up

When you feel comfortable resuming your schedule, put your annual checkup back on our calendar. We’d love to see you. Together, we can take a closer look at the health of your feet and ankles. We can also revisit any concerns you may have or discuss any new developments that need extra attention.

From The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine, we appreciate your patience. Thank you for connecting with us through telemedicine or video visits. Staying on top of your foot and ankle health continues to be a priority during these times. We are here for you and can walk you through the next steps about health concerns. Call (212) 980-6487. We are located at 120 E 56th Street, Suite 1150, New York, NY 10022.