When Bunions Become a Bother


Are your bunions becoming a problem? If you’ve had difficulty moving around because of pain, consider making an appointment with the doctors at The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine.  Bunions are a progressive toe deformity, which means the deformity will continue to worsen. However, not every patient will experience discomfort. When you have decided your bunions are becoming a bother, give us a call.

Bunions are an inherited toe deformity.
Did you know family history plays a role in your chance of developing a bunion? We receive many things from our family members, including a similar foot structure. Heredity is the primary reason for bunions. Shoes that are too narrow or tight can worsen the pain.

Bunions may require surgery, but there are other solutions.

When conservative treatments don’t relieve pain or discomfort, patients may need to consider surgery. Before we recommend this step, we offer the following suggestions:

  • Orthotics

  • Shoes with a wider toe box

  • Additional cushion to the bunion

  • Warm soaks

  • Anti-inflammatory medication

A podiatrist can help.
Podiatrists are foot and ankle specialists, and they understand how to find the cause of pain and create a treatment plan. For patients with a toe deformity, podiatrists will suggest conservative measures to avoid surgery. Depending on how the patient responds, they may also suggest surgery to repair the toe deformity. If you have a bunion, maintain regular visits to assess the progression.

  • Contact us if you have increased pain or swelling

  • Contact us if conservative measures are no longer successful

  • Contact us if your mobility has become limited

We’re here to help. Don’t walk through life with persistent discomfort. Let’s talk today about ways to treat your painful bunion. We’ll create an individualized treatment plan so you can get back to walking. Call (212) 980-6487 to make an appointment with one of our doctors. Our office is at 120 E 56th Street, Suite 1150, New York, NY 10022.